Friday, March 28, 2008

PostSecret ad

With school starting back up this week I've been kept pretty busy. As the semester's end becomes closer and closer my chances of passing calculus become less and less.

Besides struggling to learn and working I did get a few things done this week. Finalized a simple Postsecret ad that will hopefully be in print soon, posted a few things up on ebay, and played through Half-Life:Blue Shift to name a few things.

Block Party is tomorrow, so that will be a big event, and hopefully when that is done I'll be able to finalize a second post secret ad and get some work done on the website. So expect some decent updates in the next week or so (I speak like I have an audience that frequents this page (0_o) ).

Final Postsecret ad (8.5 x 11 Landscape):

Friday, March 14, 2008

New RHA Website

Well I pulled an all nighter last night to finish the layout for the new rha layout. Created it all from scratch, and although it still needs to be coded with scripts and what not (my php is rusty so it will take me a little while) the layout is pretty much complete.

I had a ton of compatibility problems with IE, and had to make a separate banner, and background, and stylesheet just for Internet explorer to make the website work in Opera, Firefox, and IE (those are the only three I tested, if anyone could report from other browsers I'd appreciate it)

Anyway, if you want to check it out click the link below, and remember the sites not done yet, just the layout (banner probably has to be redone as well). Leave me some feedback in the comments.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Block Party Poster

I submited the block party 08 poster for print today... so I thought I would upload a copy. Let me know what you think in the comments.

I'm working on the rha website and post secret posters, so expect previews/final copies of those in the coming week or so. Also hoping to get ds coding done during spring break, so maybe even some crappy little homebrew project as well.

Free Image Hosting at

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First Post

Hi, My name is Mike Hedden and this is my blog. TRIPLEhelix is my internet alias use it for most online gaming, forums, and other stuff that ends up on the web. I don't have a lot of time on my hands but I'm going to try and keep this blog somewhat updated. It's planned to be more of a portfolio of projects I've got going on than a blog, but that may change if I develop a blogger voice.

Let me tell you a bit about myself and what I got going on. I'm a Freshman at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, majoring in computer science, and pretty involved. I have a job at the front desk of my dorm, and I'm also on the Executive Board of the Resident Hall Association.

I plan to use this blog to post up news about programs that I have running through school, computer program development projects, and graphic design work. As well as some minor things here and there. I'm trying to learn to program homebrew for my Nindendo DS, and hopefully if that goes smoothly I can make some homebrew projects for my Wii as well.

Now I don't have anything to leave you with today, but I'm hoping to have a poster that I designed finished so I can put it up tomorrow night. So you will get a sneak peak at it before it hits the printer.

If you got this far, thanks for reading and hopefully I can give you some projects worth your time and interest in the future.

Michael "TRIPLEhelix" Hedden