Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Woot-off Checker

Hey everyone, I programed a woot-off checker to follow the woot-offs at in real time. Be sure to check it out if you use woot. Download link is below. The program is coded in visual cpp so ensure you have microsofts visual c++ redistributable, which can be downloaded at:
Download HERE.

This is the first public release, so please comment with any suggestions or bugs you may have found!

download here:

Enjoy :)

Monday, April 6, 2009


I woke up at 3am last night with a lot of pain in my back, I discovered the dinasaur derby for and had an idea to enter. you can see it below, if you would like to vote for it (must be a woot member with at least 1 purchase) please follow this link:

Feedback is welcome in the comments!

Road Trip Ads

RHA Roadtrip visits venice beach and dodger stadium this year! Check out the advertisement below and give me some feedback in the comments :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Block Party Ads

Hello again, I havn't made a post in a while, so I figured I better upload the Block Party 2009 adverts. Upcomming we have RoadTrip, which the advertisement is still in developmental stage. I have spent a decent amount of time making changes and updating the website.

I've also taken the time to write a Woot-Off Checker in visual c++, its not flashy but it seems to work fine, I'll release it here when I get the chance and update the code as needed.

So anyway, here are the Block Party ads, feedback is welcome in the comments. Thanks